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Showing posts from November, 2013

Five Years

Five Years. It's hard to believe. Saying that time flies would be an understatement. All year I've been amazed at the fact that this is our fifth year as a married couple, and now it has really been a full five years and I'm still amazed! Not amazed that we made it this far, but amazed at how quickly time flies. It's true what they say about when you're having fun.. I'm not going to say that the last five years have been easy. Because they weren't. We both lost loved ones. We lost people we both loved. We miss our first puppy everyday. We've both dealt with more than a handful of stressful situations. School. We left our first home. Work. Life definitely did not hesitate to throw us a few curveballs. But we also did a lot of travel, experienced Paris together (for the first time). Laughed. A lot. Shared a love for baseball and the Dodgers. Saw our favorite bands, and in another country. Ate a lot of sushi. Visited the happiest place o