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Showing posts from January, 2012

Week 4

I can't believe it's already the last week of the month! This week was busy and full of things that make me happy. However, my favorite picture was from my hike today with my little family. This basically sums up the week of clear skies, sunny days, and colorful sunsets. I spent some time outdoors, finally running at the park and I went on a hike yesterday with my coworkers at Eaton Canyon. But nothing makes me happier than finally being outdoors, with Niner and Nacho, strolling past the trees and playing by the creek. They're so cute and always wondering what I'm up to. I love how they're both looking at me in this picture. So glad they were finally able to join me for a little hike. :) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Week 3

For the second time since the start of the year, we had movie night with Nancy this week. This time she came over with her yummy stuffed shells with spinach, ricotta, and bacon in a cream sauce. We watched "Bend it like Beckham" and then ended the night with some cappuccinos at our spot, Roladin.  I'm pretty sure there will be more movie nights with the girls. Niner's up to cook next! :P  - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Never Too Late

Celebrated yet another late Christmas with the Haydens today. We met up at Mulberry Street Pizzeria in Sherman Oaks to catch up and exchange gifts. We all got do-it-yourself kits! Can't wait to get started on the fun! :) - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Week 2

My friend, Joseph, and I were on a mission this past summer to hike to as many waterfalls as possible. We had to take a break once the holidays rolled around. On Thursday we hiked again for the first time this year. We hiked Malibu Creek State Park which was pretty leisurely until we decided to create our own trail up the side of a mountain. Always have to go looking for an adventure! Here's one of the great views on the hike. There was so much to see on a such a beautiful day. We followed the creek pretty much the entire hike. We spotted two deer and watched them gracefully disappear into the woods. There were interesting rock formations and an area for rock climbing. There was also a nice little pond and a lake which clearly reflected the crisp blue sky and surrounding hills. Near the end of the hike, we ran into the old M*A*S*H tv series set site. It was pretty darn cool.  I can't wait to go on another hike. It's a constant adventure and reminder that there


Celebrated my Lola's 77th birthday this evening at Kabuki in Burbank. She's been such a huge part of my life; I love her so much. She's doing so great and taking such good care of herself. :) She looks amazing doesn't she?! Happy Birthday Lola!  - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Late Christmas

We were finally able to spend time with the Berries today to celebrate Christmas. We met up in Burbank during Niner's lunch break.  We had a pretty enjoyable time considering how little of it we had. Glad we made it happen, especially since we've all been so busy lately. They're so cute. <3  - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Christmas 2011 Recap

Since the New Year has gifted me with a cold and conjunctivitis, among other things.. I will take this time to catch up on the holiday events 2011.. We had a holiday potluck and White Elephant gift exchange at work. Since it we rarely get together, it was nice to be hanging out, even if it was just at our lounge. Everyone from left to right: JB, Tyra, Corinne, Vicky, Ron, Brian, Joy, Me, Eun, Lisa, Jennifer, Arlene, Michelle, Carrie, and Tess. :) In High School my girl friends and I called ourselves the Ghetto Girls. According to Marlaina, one of our classmates called the area where we hung out "the ghetto," and from that, the title was born. (For the record, there was nothing ghetto about our spot, nor was there anything ghetto about us. Pretty funny if you ask me.) This year we celebrated Ghetto Christmas for the first time in 8 years.  We were able to catch up over a delicious dinner at Kate Mantili in Woodland Hills. Then we headed back to our house t

FiftyTwo: Week 1

Inspired by the various photo challenges out there, including my friend Cheryl's Thankful: 2012 Facebook album and my cousin's Project 52 at lizziloves , I will be posting my favorite picture every Friday (a day late this week). Many of my goals this year seem to be centered around being "happy," so that is what I have chosen as my theme. Like most people, I am in search of those things that make me happy. Travel makes me happy, for example, and if I could, I would even visit the littlest village, in the most remote parts of a country. If given the time, I would read every book that ever existed. And if given the ability I would play every piece of music that was ever written. I am limited in time and resources, of course. However, this year, I am going to begin to make a habit of finding those places where happiness dwells. I will find it in the big things, and even in the small things, starting with those that surround me. With that said this first picture (Yes

Mama's Vegas Birthday

I managed to be at Las Vegas one last time before the end of 2011. My mom celebrated her birthday last year at Vegas. It was nice to be able to spend some time with the family, even their cute, spoiled puppy, Bugoy. We stayed at Planet Hollywood which was pretty convenient since the Miracle Mile shops were just down stairs. We dined at Paris (I wish it was Paris really!), enjoyed the pretty Christmas decor at Bellagio and had some birthday dessert and Sugar Factory. Here's Kris with his first scratcher at State Line. We had dinner at Planet Hollywood our first night there. No lines for us; apparently my dad's a VIP. ;) Headed over to Paris for Mama's BD dinner. The birthday girl and I. Family pic at Bellagio. Late night birthday treat: red velvet sundae. So delicious! It was a cute time and glad I had the time off and the chance to celebrate. And its also always special to spend time with my brothers, they're always


Started a couple of my new year's goals today. I went to the gym and ran over 2 miles for the first time since hurting my knee from last year's half marathon! It was definitely scary at first, but it felt great to run! I'm going to take it easy and one step at time, literally. I have to make sure I don't hurt myself this time. I also walked with Nachito to Warner Park. It's fairly close and just down the street but it's a nice little stroll and Nacho loves the change in scenery. On our walk, he found a gopher which was pretty cute. I have a video I must share on another day.  I have to say, this was a very productive day.   - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

A Happy Start

On my first free day (from work) of the new year, Niner took the day off and we spent it at Disneyland. It was fun to see all the Christmas decor still up. Sleeping Beauty's castle was beautifully adorned with icicle white lights, lamp posts that lined Main Street were decorated with wreaths, and "It's a Small World" was all decked out in red and green. And, of course to top it off, we watched fireworks fill the night.     No better way to kick off the new year than to spend it at the happiest place on earth ! <3  - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

New Year, New Goals

Each year, usually near my birthday, I list a set of goals for myself to accomplish. Most of the time, those goals fall through. The new year has given me an opportunity to start anew, to share these goals to someone else, so that I may be encouraged. A few things on my list require months of planning and preparation, most are smaller short-term goals. All the same, accomplishing these things will make me happier, healthier, whole: three things of which I seem to be fussing a lot about lately. Here is that modified list.. 1. Start saving for a house! 2. Cook at least once a week 3. Drink butter beer 4. Walk with Nacho to the park at least once a week 5. Bake a pie 6. Become CCRN certified 7. Find a new job 8. Travel out of the country 9. Run at least two half marathons 10. Clean out the storage 11. Volunteer 12. Bake and decorate a fancy cake 13. Hike Brand Park in 1hr 15 min 14. Do a big day hike 15. Sew a fancy pillow 16. Read more 17. Climb Santa


Although I'm working my second out of three days, I'm glad I was still able to ring in 2012! Celebrated the new year with my favorite person last night at a local bar/ club, C Frenz. Here's a pic of us at midnight as Niner tries to take a pic, proof that she was a bit buzzed. Happy New Year!! Make it good!   - Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone